Ivory Perfection

Porcelain dolls, fragile beauties, Gothic ladies of the predawn; Tuli has released a new skin tone of Hope in ivory. The makeups are similar to the Goth set, but the rosy undertones of the skin give them a different look and feel. Since Hope is my skin of choice these days, I was delighted to see this release. There are many artistic possibilities :D.
I took the new ivory Hope skin out for its first spin in today's gift release from hO wEAr. The delicate nature of the skin worked well with the oriental flowers. I added an old favorite hair from Magika (most likely retired). While the mico-mini skirt is more modern than traditional, I chose a place of history for my photo shoot, juxtaposing times. In the early dawn light, the glowing beauty shines.
My poses are from the Mela's kimono dollarbie set. Find it on the third floor near the three camping chairs.