Pretty Pretty Props

First of all an apology from me. I just realized after four hours that SL(R) in its wisdom had turned down my graphics to LOW after a crash last night. I knew my skin looked odd but couldn't figure out why. So these pictures are not near the quality that they should be. After a couple of hours of picture taking however, I am NOT starting over. Click any photo for larger versions. There is a lot to see. Here's the scoop.

Miabella Foxley is leaving SL and giving away some truly fantastic furnishing and props. These are just some of the wonderful items in the box of goodies. Everything is copy (n mod - nt) so you can add accessories to your home, shop or photo shoot as you need them. I never have to worry bout losing them out on the sandbox :D. Yeah!
I love the suitcases! And the radiator that steams :D. Really wonderful.

There are so many things in the box, I really can't show them all here. I haven't even unpacked them all. There are lots of beautiful books and accessories to add to your environment. Everything is lovely and works perfectly. So a giant THANK YOU to Miabella Foxley and many good wishes from us all. Also a big thanks to Callie Cline who tipped me (and a few thousand others) to this opportunity.
To get your box of goodies, just join the boxed group. The group will only be around until September 9th so time is limited. Go to the archives and pick up the box of goodies. If you can't find the group easily, it is listed in Miabella's profile.
My cute pajamas were a hunt gift from the Rha! store (NLA).