Flower Fantasies

We have so many wonderfully creative folks here at Phil's Place. Some are trying to make a living and others are here simply for the creative outlet. If the rent gets paid it is a plus. Whether it is strictly business or ultimately pleasure, those of us at the receiving end reap the rewards.
The Mystical Tree House is one of collection of fantasy dwellings from Gecco. I have neither the space nor the prims to live in this magical structure, but you might. The details are inspiring and include a radio that works even on the sandbox, so no land owner permissions needed.
[Edit: The creator says that it music of the avatars uuid. The flower said it was playing music. I "may" have placed the house on top of a radio? Have no clue, sorry LOL. And neither of us are techie.
You techie folks no doubt know all about how that works, but it was new to me. Music, butterflies and flowers, I had it all while taking these photos :D. A teleporter is included.

click for larger photos
If you venture over to Gecco, you'll need to navigate down several levels to find the fantasy dwellings. You will be rewarded though, as this is still in the Midnight Mania board. Slap that puppy and it may be yours. If you are in a hurry, don't worry, the prices here are very very low. As you arrive you'll find another MM board with a castle and a couple levels down one with textures. Again, the prices are very good, so peruse as you wander down. Not all the buildings are high prim. Of course most of MY favorites were (sigh).
My super cute flower overalls are from the new releases at E! Eclectic. Casual and fun and youthful they seemed the perfect outfit for playing in my temporary fantasy home. They come in a variety of colorful denims with flower accents and prim cuffs. Choices of layers are of course part of the package.
I added a pink tuck in bustier from MichaMi to go with my Primagine Sandy flower earrings. Shoes aren't required in fantasy land, so I skipped those.
Poses by Lap, Sugar Mill and Glitterati.
Hair by Cri Cri.