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The Weekend

I have crashed a dozen times this morning trying to get this post done. Currently I am at my house (in theory) but I can only see two partial rezzed sheep and some water. We seem to have gone way back in virtual time when this type of surreal server event happened regularly. I am guessing it was like this a lot in the beginning. Only a few folks remember.

So, while I can't show you any more, I can let you know that there is an easy hunt going on at the Jersey Shore.   Find pumpkins in the participating shops (they will have a sign out front) and grab some loot, much of it Halloween themed.

My outfit is almost completely from the hunt - hair excluded. My dress is from SAKIDE (a white version is also in the prize pack). Lacy eye-patch from Iren and vampire skin (set of three plus fangs and such) from Izzie's completes the look.  The dark and ominous backdrop is actually a small surround, the prize from Juxtapose.

Edit: There is a coffin pose prop in with the surround :D. It was a very tough morning and I lost it along the way. 

Taking this photo with the white, white skin and the dark, dark dress and backdrop was a real challenge. I will not be doing the vampire thing any time soon! 

Go forth, have fun and teleport wisely *wink*.

Pose by: Vista Animations


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