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That Artist Thing

Yes, this is a filler piece; nothing to buy and nowhere to go. 

So I am standing around on my workpad gazing at paintings that will show in February.  And -- thinking about a change I have made recently. 

I have been making what we call in the biz "over the couch art".  Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Pretty is pretty and color coordinating is a good thing design wise. Still, in the art world it is pretty much looked down on.   In my mind if I can get free and low cost paintings on virtual walls instead of graphics stolen from the web -- that's a win.

Still my surrogate kid who has a small collection of my eclectic works from decades past asked me awhile ago why I am not making more "serious" art.  A good question really and one I didn't really have an answer for.  

The work behind me is for a Best of SL exhibit coming up in February. The theme is about love and art and emotion.  You might note that these are NOT landscapes LOL.  For the most part they are shots set up for photography and then turned into faux painting. They very much mirror the work I did in our corporeal world.  I never got rich there but I was "respected" and there were some fame points along the way.    

I am not sure that I am turning over a new leaf; I still like landscapes. But it was fun to remember the need to put words into pictures.   

Poses by: BellePoses


MathewKosse said…

Thank you for taking time to chat about your artwork at the Old Church. Very enlightening.

Also, pointing me to the BOSL Art Show was a great opportunity for me to explore outside of my normal rounds. Very eclectic mix of artwork. I really liked the symbolism with which you've imbued your pieces. I appreciated your insights into each one.

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