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Unofficial groups such at White Tigers, Firestorm, Caledon and Helping Haven continued to help newcomers learn the ropes of an increasingly complex world. There are many worthwhile establishments aiming to help, but a "newbie" has to FIND those groups for that to happen. 

My recent onboarding experience last summer chronicled the dismay that most first-timers must have. Confusion definitely reigns.   

But there is change a coming at this twenty year mark.  The mentor program is being revitalized and reshaped. Friendly citizens of all skill levels can apply to take part. 

There are a couple of catches however. First you need to have a Google account or make one. Second you need to be willing to use the official Linden viewer and takes some classes and a test. If those things work for you and you want to be a part, then zip on over and fill out an application.   

.PALETO.Backdrop:. Last Class  (MATERIAL)(PHYSICS)(LIGHT) on weekend sale - 108 land impact


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