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Senra Body - Did we really think things would change?

Now I don't make clothing -- at least not in Second Life, hence I don't have a personal stake in the new Linden Lab bodies.  YOU might however and if you are a creator or simply someone who wants to keep abreast of things. If so check out THIS THREAD from the forums.   Patch replies with some more info further along in the thread. There are obviously some changes surrounding the "default Linden avatars".   

With plenty of good and thoughtful comments in this thread, it appears overall theme gives of sense that this  is not going to work out as the Lindens planned.  I can't say I am too surprised as they have never been great at doing the avatar thing -- including some tries in Sansar.  The mesh obviously has issues that are not being addressed and it sounds like the agreement you sign to apply for the files needed is in that same legalese of "in the known and unknown Universe" fame :D.  

I do think that TPTB seem to be taking the wrong track with this. Even in Sansar  creators had free access to the avatar files. I used them to make poses and clothing that FIT everyone because everyone was the same (again, not really a good idea either).   

So a heads up if this effects you in a big way.  Most of us, I am guessing will just ignore it all kinda like the What Were They Thinking casino debacle.    

There is of course  a chance that with enough input (outcry) things might change -- that happened somewhat with Tilia. So let your voice be heard rather than complaining when it is over. 


The new bodies are out and in your LIBRARY.  I was going to do a post but there were so very many things wrong with them (OH SO MANY BIG THINGS) that I got too depressed.   I suggest going back to the FREE bodies made by our OWN content creators is best for everyone -- including new folks.  


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