Lace in Space
This deviousMind release features lots of layers and choices as well as different sizes of primmed trims. I added my LYRA hair from EMO-tions for extra drama. My intent of the morn was to find a new outer space photo op spot. Alas the destination guide was little help sending me hither and yon to sometimes unfriendly territory (10 seconds to join the group or be banned is not my idea of a way to recruit folks :D). So, I ended up at Hangars Liquides, tried and true with a new photo backdrop around every corner. Eight years old and gorgeous, that's my kind of place.
Something new in this set, boots come with. These are pony boots. I bet the horse shoes help you stick to the magnetized grating during weightless times. Ya think?
Poses by: Nigotine (NLA)