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Thankfullness 2014

I don't "do" Thanksgiving these days. I abandoned turkey and trimmings for a quiet celebration of what I am truly thankful for.

This is post 3800 3700 -- at least fashionwise. I suspect I am around the 5000 count if you count all my blogs over time.

I found one of my favorite photos, taken in my very first skybox back in 2008. Most of the items have disappeared over time, either by plan or database disaster; but I still have the boa, a group gift from Callie Cline.

I recreated the photo of my first virtual Thanksgiving -- at least in spirit. I can't remember WHY I was mostly naked (artfully so anyway) but I do remember the photo session.

This was a good  reminder that we do indeed have much to be grateful for.

Poses by: the furniture


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