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Just out from {what next} a sled rezzer!   Pick your sled (1,2 or 3 people) and explore your stand alone sim.

Now while my sim IS standalone, my snow is WAY up in the sky. I solved this issue easily (she says hopefully) but putting an invisible wall around my quarter sim pad.  I learned this trick from having kitties. They are rambunctious little devils at times!

The sleds are lovely and are great photo props. Even the rezzer looks very pretty in the snow.

As luck would have it I was already dressed for a sled ride. Nice and warm am I.

My Loordes of London Finlandia Parka is a gift from the Women Stuff hunt. Find it by the back door of the shop on a shelf with other hunt prizes.

I tried out a new color of the BAIASTICE Arcade Gill Stretch boots (knitted cocoa) and donned my 20.FIVE Croft sweater -- and made a discovery!

While the sweater comes with a hud with standard coordinating colors used in the various offerings, you can also TINT the items. So my rosy colored sweater became "cocoa" to match the boots. Woot.

Hair and hat are represented by MINA Hair, the Alex 01 Female version. There are various styles of bangs, no bangs etc., lots of hair color choices and a texture change cap.  This is a Winter Trend release.

Poses by: sled and STATUS


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