FLF Goodness and More

It's Friday and that means early afternoon music over at my beach sim. What's more fun at the beach than a colorful romper. Out for FLF from The Secret Store, a cutie. Your weekend sale versions are this fun print or a pretty dark blue. This comes in many mesh fits and also amazingly includes an alpha layer which some of you will find useful.
My new shades are from Deep Static and are out for Evolve. The quirky Ayla Glasses come with lots of color choices and lens tints.
Hair: no.match_ ~ NO_STRESS
The .peaches. Maybe Maple Clutter comes in two parts == teacup and notebook. 82K for all that detail. One LI each piece even when made somewhat larger.
Now I didn't buy this simply because I didn't expect I would have the occasion to use it, but it is an excellent example of well made mesh and also very creative. So it gets a spot in this week's lineup.
Find it at NOMAD. It looks like both A and PG versions come in one pack, but I didn't check all that carefully.