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Hunting for Favs

Hunts abound. So many; so little time. Finding what works for you amidst all the bounty can sometimes be tough. I did a little searching last eve, supposedly on the Addiction Hunt trail. As you might suspect, I found other items along the way. These are my top picks from last night's adventures. I have a few more items socked away in my closet, but these were the ones I thought would be of most interest.  The gorgeous corset above comes from :Shush on the Addicted to Halloween Hunt (ATHH).  The stocking feet are missing from the ensemble (possibly and oversight?) but add some tall black or red boots and you are set. The detailing is lovely.

My mer skin which includes silvery fish scales comes from [Rasetsukoku] on the Macabre Hunt (glowy red apple). There are two apples to find and they have similar skins. This should make all the skin hos happy. I am not in that group, but I do appreciate specialty skins and will certainly be happy to have this the next time I am wearing a tail :D.

Difficult to see because it is so delicately drawn, part of the prize from Zahir is this full body tattoo of spiders and webs. There is a poem of some kind covering the top back area. Definitely different and a fun addition to your seasonal garb as well as other times. This is on the Addicted to Halloween Hunt (pumpkin).  Go forth. Have fun.

Click on any photo for a high rez version. You may need to enlarge further with the zoom tool.

Style Notes: 

Hair: Amacci Hair Carletta ~ Graphite -- Onyx
Skin:Tuli Jade The Deck Limited
Clothing: !dM Lenore - skullPasties**

Poses by:Amacci and EverGlow

Post 1700


Chandra said…
made me laugh to see 'clothing' listed - 'a sense of nothingness' would seem more appropriate :-D

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