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Greeting the Sun

Summer is on its way for many of us. The bright sun greets us in the early morn when all things are fresh and new.

Dutchie has a new yoga mat out filled with most every yoga pose I know and some I can't imagine ever doing in our corporeal world.

Pick your animation from an extensive menu or go for one of the  sequenced sets; beginner, advanced or long session.

The mats are fringed at the ends and come in sand, pink and blue.

Here's the info from the notecard:


Sit on the mat and click it for 3 long sequences (71 yoga animations in total), 11 relaxing animations and 35 yoga poses:
Speed trough the sequences by clicking on the sequence button again.

Gives out one water bottle, when you come to the right animation.

Beginner: 4,5 minute sequence
Advanced: 7,5 minute sequence
Long session: 12 minute sequence: beginner plus advanced
Relax: 11 greet, meditate, stretch and relax animations.
Poses: 35 yoga poses
(hidden are another 36 transition animations, only visible in the sequences)

My early morning attire features the new  20.FIVE  Belt Romper.

Poses by: Dutchie Sequenced Yoga Mat


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