Those Three Little Wishes
This is going to be a toughie for me as I am very happy in SL. Sure there are times when I raise my fist as the database fairy when it looses a bunch of my stuff (we'll there's number 1 I guess) but I found it most interesting that I didn't relate to any of Berry's wants. So I suspect that we will have a broader range of answers this time out.
Here we go.
#1 will be that the database would be more stable. Anyone who has lost a lot of inventory (and I have had three MAJOR losses in five years - one my complete home and garden folder) knows how devastating it can be. Not only are you out money and time -- if it was a hunt prize -- there are many things that are irreplaceable.
#2 is that we could go back in a time before The Labs decided to abandon their support of the education process and erase that decision. We have muddled through with Youtube tutorials and a few schools still carrying on, but for those of you that came after that edict (maybe 2008 for the beginning of the end), you can't imagine the impact.
#3 hmmmmm -- I really can't think of another wish. It would be silly to use up a good wish on trivial things like having "teleport to ground" in my viewer of choice *wink*. So I am going to go for The Labs upping the premium free tier to 1024. I realize that the time and cost to implement the change would be great, but really! Half of the mainland is deserted and if not for sale under "maintenance". Giving some added incentive to go premium seems like a wise choice. I hate waste in all forms.
That's my input. Was fun to dress up in an old outfit from Angelwing and open the Genie bottle skybox that I never got around to viewing when it came out :D.
Pose by: the furniture in the Trompe Loeil Dreamy Genie Bottle