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Dandelions in the Snow

Monday Meme (on Tuesday) meets POE6 highlights in this snowy post reminding us that creativity comes in many forms.

From the POE6 hunt:

Hair from AMACCI (skins also in the pack - previously featured)
Face tattoo (one of many) by White Widow
live me in dandelion outfit by TOPAZIA

What is the December/Winter season like where you live?

It can be sunny and cold or wet and gray. Usually it is a mixture. Then again Mother Nature seems either confused or "pissed" of late and changes the rules each season. 

When you think of winter, what’s the first thing that pops into your head?

Usually snow although we don't have that much of it where I live. It is so peacefully white and everything is pristinely beautiful for awhile. 

Have you ever played any extreme winter sports?


What do you like most about this season?

Winter is NOT my favorite season. I think I will go with hot soups and root vegetables *wink*.

Do you celebrate Christmas, Hannukkah, Kwanzaa or another holiday during this time of year?

Only minimally to keep friends happy. I do really like New Years as that seems to be a good time to take stock and make plans. 

Poses by: BehaviorBody


New Years is definitely up there for me as well for one of my favorite events in winter, always so much fun. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season! <3

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