Falling Water
I have a new hunt system these days. I go to a store I like or find a new store that looks interesting and I search for hunt signs. Not all stores are in hunts of course, but just like Midnight Boards and Lucky chairs, I scan for possibilities. And oftentimes there are several hunts going on. Now and then there is a board for a future event; I grab the notecard from the announcement so I remember to return.
Today I found a great shop and a wonderful hunt gift. Wrap them up together and it was a gold star morning.
This is a fountain creation set from Trompe Loeil Greenhouse. It comes with a large choice of modifiable rocks with flowing water as well as round and oval bases in six texture choices. It has subtle touch on-off lighting at the base and the water flows beautifully. Low prim and elegant, the set sells for $600, OR it is FREE if you find the multicolored sculpty flower of the Royal Blooms Hunt.
You have until the 30th to find this great prize. It isn't all that hard; the hint on the official website says to be sure and look near the flowers.
This is my version of the fountain and while I won't be keeping it out on the brand new mesa *wink*, you can bet it will have a place of honor in my inventory awaiting another time and landscape design.
While I was at the Greenhouse looking around (don't miss the Growbox chest full of flowers - an opening gift in the store) I fell in love with the steps and walkway kits. They come in several patterns and have everything you need to make some great walkways in your sim. Now I am not in the market for walkways, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy running down the stairs! There are circles and pillars and steps galore -- all ready for you to make into your own personal thoroughfare.
Click on any photo for a high rez version. You may need to enlarge further with the zoom tool.
The Greenhouse garden and landscaping store adjoins a prefab area by the same owner-builder, Cory Edo. I noticed a cute hobbit house I had seen a couple of days ago on the grass shopping journey.
Happily this one was empty and available for viewing. So very cute.
This is the house from the outside. The steps lead to a patio up top with a back door entrance. Amazingly distinctive; what a great fantasy home.
I bet I could even make it into Steampunk without much effort! Why couldn't there be Steampunk Hobbits?
Style Notes:
Hair: Amacci Hair Ulrica ~ Graphite (new release Hair Fair)
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Jade (tone 4/bl) :: 01a
Clothing: [[[ SWANSONG ]]] Shy Sweater (Olive) 4 [[[ SWANSONG ]]] Timeless Jeans (Sunrise) (both new releases)
Accessories: Ducknipple Viking Belt - Brown
Poses by: Amacci and LAP