Blue Monday - Not so Blue

Prim and Pixel Paradise has an oh-so-Springlike outfit as a gift to chase away those Monday morning blues. It's called the Monday Summer is Coming outfit and comes with some great matching shoes, a cute bracelet and a fantastic hat. Love the hat! It takes awhile for PPP to rez so have some patience. There is a lot in the store. Find this gift in the back on a large vendor fairly close to a cute rocking chair. As you wander back there be sure and notice all the fun things in the store including pets and shoes :D. This is a MONDAY ONLY gift, so don't procrastinate!
Pose by LOTTA.

Personally my Monday was looking bright already as I finally (FINALLY) found a great apartment with loads of prims and a super view. That's the cupcake diving bed from Jena-ration X Designs that you see through my patio window.
You can try for this great gift once and hour. It's definitely worth going back a few times (and I definitely did). I love the bright colors. You will most likely see more of it in the future -- up close and personal. Meanwhile, just get over there and do the "yummy" with the cupcake (wink).
Animation by Vain.

Every home needs pets, and you can pick up these very loving and well fed kitties at the Rouge Forest. There is a simple hunt going on. The kitties are in one shop and there are clothes in the neighboring shop. You are looking for small brightly colored mushrooms.
EDIT: While the hunt is still going on, there is a central TP point in force now and no way to "show location" -- at least that didn't work for me. So my best advice is to fly straight up and look for the lake. The shops are underwater at the edge of the lake. I am guessing this happened because of LISTS. There was someone there yesterday using one. So good for the shop owners (IMHO). Once you find the shops, finding the mushrooms should be fairly simple (wink). I LOVE my kitties! Still wearing the big one :D
Be careful as there are some tiny mushrooms clumped with larger ones that are NOT gifts (wink). There are five mushrooms in all. One gift includes many colored versions of the mushrooms -- I hope I get to use those someday as they are soooo pretty.
It is DARK in the forest and it took me a long while to figure out I was under water. So there is a bit of a challenge. Both shops have lots of cute items and I may get back over to the forest and pick up a bed for my kitties (wink).