Period and Fantasy Goodness

Dany French touch in an oh so cute new to me shop has a great outfit for guys. Actually I found two but this one really impressed me so I got a friend to come over and I think he looks fab! And while it looks like it should cost a lot, it is only $1. Woot. The dress I am wearing is also a linden and on the lady's side of the shop.

The shop and village neighborhood is so very charming. Be sure and take a stroll. There are other dollarbies here including a nicely made rocking chair with pose (and it does rock - see comment below :D) and outfits I have blogged previously. A lucky chair is also in the tiny shop. Watch your head, the confines make it a bit difficult to get around, but the ambiance is worth it!

The Bunny Hop Hunt is just about over and I took a very quick tour of some stops others had blogged which lead me back to Elv'an Majika who I have blogged a couple of times. Almost free prices and very nice quality make this a must visit for almost everyone. While many styles are in the fantasy vein, there are also more mainstream items. I just checked and the egg is still there. The outfit is a lovely combination of deep green and misty purple. Very glen-like :D. Very pretty.