Closing Gift - Love Chic

I am closing Love Chic for awhile due mostly to sim issues. So no SL Discovery hunt for me (wink). But you can still get my gift from that hunt. If you are a Fashion Consolidated member, just look in the archives; I sent it out to all the thousands of you. If not, you can pick up this new unisex, resizable book belt (two attachment versions) at Love Chic.
This is for three days only. When I am gone, I am gone -- for awhile at least.
Thanks to those thousands of you that bought my bangles. It's still hard to believe how many of those I sold. You kept me in dollarbie money for sure.
Want the other goodies in my outfit? The top is from CS Fandango and part of a huge set that I love and the skirt is a current lucky chair item at M'z.
Pose by Lap. Hair by Amacci.