A Morning of Gossip

The GossipGirl sims have been around for awhile now, but I only explored them long ago. I went over this morning to check them out again. I did indeed find a group of folks from all over the world (guys too) gossiping in this cafe. So, should you feel in the need to chat cattily, this is the place for you. Actually everyone seemed quite friendly and interested in each other :D

There aren't many shops in GossipGirl. It is mostly a facade town with only a few actual places to visit. But while you are there you might want to pick up a few free goodies. The top photo has a Gossipgirl gift from Kataonik with some shoes by Juicy. The second outfit came from the Costume Depot. I got in trouble wearing the bullets (oh dear) so don't try it on in the PG sim. Worn with boots from DD Style. Pose by LAP.

You can pick up a free phone and GossipGirl hud so you can find out what people might be saying about you. It's in the main welcome lobby.

My personal favorite gathered gift of the day is from Nicky Ree. Made for Spring, it definitely fits my mood. Jewelry from Primagine, shoes by Adam and Eve, pose by Lap.
And, just in case you were wondering about the new hair, it is a limited time (20 minute camp) item at Little Heaven. There are three colors to choose from and lots of camp chairs. Waiting to sit shouldn't be a problem. If you haven't been to Little Heaven, go through the entry room with the mess on the floor, down the hall and turn left. That will get you to the hair department :D.