
It was so not my intention to leave Nardcotix out of my earlier blog today about the Fabulous Fashion TV Studio gifts. What's a girl to do when faced with tons of folders to peruse? Well peruse them of course and I completely missed the gift box from this very impressive store in my objects folder. Oh no!
So, to make up for my inept blogging of the morn, here is a picture of the terrific dress all by itself.The dress is very lovely with fantastic detailing. To be fair, it needs its own AO as your hand goes through the dress in many poses and walks. But for photos? Definitely hard to beat.
Nardcotix shares a sim with Phoenix Rising and Chloe -- an impressive sim which you might want to visit just to oh and ah over. I'm definitely bookmarking for photo shoots in the future. The buildings are grand and the landscaping formal. An open air ballroom with romantic tables borders the sea. Don't stray off the sim however as some neighboring places have 6 second security systems.
Shown with Ztique shoes. Pose by LAP.