Shades of Roses

Imperial Elegance has this great couch - bed with poses as a gift. It's part of the Bunny Hop which will be over soon so you need to get there lickety split. The couch comes with large pillars and drapes and is totally impressive. I love the color. The whole display weighs in at 17 prims so not too bad for us prim challenged folks. It comes with a multipose menu which was fairly daunting to me as I hadn't dealt with that before. I suspect that most of you know how that all works -- and there is also a bed without animations for those of you that want to add your own poseballs or pad. The three poses included are also in the box separately so bloggers should be very happy.

This very cute dress is the monthly gift from Haute Style & Co. I picked it up awhile ago but alas, it got lost in all the hunting prizes. It is VERY nice and if you like this style of tiered mini, you are sure to be happy with it!
Cigarette holder by Animah, hair by Amacci, bottom pose by LAP.