From the Toes Up

So I found a cute outfit from Top 2 Toe (thanks Gabby). And while I planned to blog that as the lead, I couldn't resist opening with the picture of these HUGE shuz from Shiny Things. I went over for a look see as they are so gorgeous in the ads. And you know what? They are just as great in person -- maybe better! And of the available colors, I think tan goes the best with the outfit below -- just in case you're wondering (wink).

Visit Top 2 Toe and pick up a cute and very versatile set called April. The dollarbie is in shades of tan but of course other colors are available at regular price. The set includes some very nice jewelry and lots of ways to wear your new duds.

The browns are light enough and colorful enough --- yes I think brown is a color -- to work for Spring. The skirt is luxurious, the capri pants have trimmed edges.

Shown here is a new release from Dark Mouse called Krystina. This brown hair texture is SO yummy. I love it. So many layers of color, I feel like I just came from the salon (wink).
Poses by LAP.