Mashooka and Friends

Mashooka has a new sim and with it comes a grand opening hunt -- now until the 3rd. There are nineteen TINY mint green boxes to pick up in the sim. They aren't hidden, but you'll need your spectacles on to see them. Find them mostly in the walkways and near the store openings. I found most of them and we know I am not the best hunter, so you can do it (wink).

Gifts (all are $0 except for the couples pose balls) range from this traditional dress, to the mini above and even pants and coordinating shirt.

While this is the very beginning of the hunt, there were plenty of folks with their magnifying glasses out looking far and wide (wink). Still the sim stayed pretty stable and not too laggy -- certainly an unexpected pleasure. The build itself is lovely: I tried to give you a small taste of the ambiance. You'll need to come see for yourself though.

My new little friend here is from Sway's Creations. Their is a small shop in the courtyard. S.LOVES has a shop here too with four gifts (two couple's pose sets and two girl poses). So journey over and help celebrate. There are some festivities planned too.
Poses by LAP. Hair by Hair Solutions.