Outfit Essentials

Everyone needs a pair of country kicking or urban cowboy boots in their wardrobe. If you are missing some, you can get these great boots (resize scripted so for guys too) from Studio M'z. You may have those great red engineer boots from a few months back. If so, you know how nice these boots are.
There are four lucky chairs which contain two colors of boots. The other is a dark taupe color which I love so I'll be venturing back from time to time to check on those chairs. There are also two versions of mini skirts with belts. If you or your fellow are in need of some great boots, tp in from time to time and check those chairs!
I see a lot of green dots there tonight. It was completely empty when I was there this afternoon. So the word is getting out it seems.

Serenity Style has a great new sweater set out. You of course get the sweater (jacket layer) with prim sleeves, but you ALSO get the sweater for wearing tied around your shoulders or waist. I so love these.

This pink version is a 15 minute camp (like almost nothing). I was very lucky this eve and found the newly stocked chair empty AND a "C" on the lucky board right next door. Wooo Weee!
Shirt from Ivalde, purse from LeLutka, jeans Samara Studios, hair HOH. Pose by "the purse" :D

And here's my prize from the lucky board -- the new Moonlight collection. It comes with lots of ways to wear including a long skirt. And the very pretty dark pink shoes come with. The sleeves here are actually the jacket layer so you can wear it with just the bodice or another jacket or whatever! A great prize.
Pose by Diesel Works. Hair by Catbird.