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Catching Up - Free Stuff

My goal today is to catch up a bit with posts and organize my inventory. Inventory  is now in good shape. Here comes catch-up.

My last four items to show you from the Gypsies, Tramps and Theives Hunt are:

Harem outfit (mesh bottoms - sculpted top) from Sweet Revolutions.
Ottoman from Senzafine: Curiosities & Accoutrements.
Tarot themed room divider from Holme Furnishings.

Need a place to hide? This wearable barrel from United InshCon is so very clever. It even comes with a periscope eyeball! GTTH; look for a crystal ball.

These nicely made baskets are a new group gift at Y House. Wear your tag and click. A set of pink baskets are out for 50 Linden Friday. I picked up this Persian carpet (no copy) at Ink Blots last eve on a lucky board.

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