Hot Desert Sun
The relentless desert sun can exhaust or revitalize, burning away our defenses -- daring us to see ourselves as we truly are.
The past follows us; we cannot escape.
And in the end we face our fears or perish.
Diesel Works releases a set of eleven poses for men. The Alagan set is both emotional and poetic. Try them on and see how they make you feel.
Click on any photo for a high rez version. You may need to enlarge further with the zoom tool.

Style Notes:
Hair: Amacci Hair Jack ~ Onyx (current group gift, not SOM which has eyes)
Skin: Belleza- Thomas V2 Deep Tan Release; Kanival Grunge Mania 2 <1> tattoo
Clothing: Flavor! Designs ~Charcoal Henley; CALCA MARROM COM CINTO (free here)
Shoes:M'z Ebl black
Accessories:[Gos] Custom Eyeware v3.3 - INTUITION
Poses by Diesel from the Alagan set (review copy)