Mid Week Catch Up
Life has been busy for me of late -- not only virtual, and that my dears is a good thing. It has been a very good week for me personally. We each play our own version of this game. Mine has always included not spending much money. Instead I work my proverbial buttocks off and that suits me. This week however I did spend a bit of linden dinero. I bought my blogger office from what next. I absolutely love it and after a lot of shuffling of shop and home, Chic can now sit and type virtually as the typist sits and types at her desk.
This involved building a new shop for Baubles (larger shop, but a dozen fewer prims). I took away some items that didn't sell all that well, marked down a few things and made way for new releases in the future. I couldn't resist adding my gardening bench. Eight prims of gorgeousness with a temp rez system that truly seems to work.
The two sim airport disappeared overnight and the shop now has an ocean view. Change happens so fast here and I suspect that new neighbors will arrive fairly soon. Right now there are two sims of water with a few islandettes with palm trees. That couldn't possibly last *wink*.
My look of the day includes Tuli's new skin (be still my beating heart - I am in love), the new release hair from the A gals, and my favorite find from the Fashion Freaks Hunt (Ducknipple).
It has been a great week so far.
Click on any photo for a high rez version. You may need to enlarge further with the zoom tool.

Style Notes:
Hair: Alli&Ali Carlina Hair Dark Rose
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Jade (tone 4/br) :: 08a; Amacci Real Eyes ~ Jupiter
Clothing: Ducknipple Mole - Red :.; Digit Darkes *AD*Somerset Capris-Burgandy
Shoes:Orange Creations #OC# Melanie- Satin Bronze
Accessories: [Baubles] Gypsy In Me earrings
Poses by Vrai Infinity (NLA) and Amacci.