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I mostly blog for fame, glory and all the free stuff. Well maybe 10% is that *wink*. It is really about adventure and taking pretty pictures. The activity gives me an excuse to take a LOT of pretty pictures -- and to keep track of my own personal journey at Phil's Place.

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. You may or may not have noticed the absence of posts the last couple of days. Most of my friends haven't been in world lately, and the ones that are seem to be battling with their own sense of purpose here. I figured that I would cast off my malaise eventually, and thanks to a post by Momo at the top of one of the feeds this morning, I am on my way.

Oh, nice tree! Pretty tree! FREE tree! and I was there. The tree is indeed a great gift. It is medium sized, one prim and will add a bit of feminine beauty to almost any landscape.  While waiting for the other vendors to rez, I noted that the trees had names. Since I actually DO name my trees in RL (Joel and Charlotte), I wanted to learn more and vowed to return after unpacking the tree. I added a copy of  Stephanie to my friend EE's 512, the current home of the bunnies.

The two sim complex has plenty to explore from water features to plants to out of sim builds. The textures and sculpties are extremely nice and everything is well made. The prims and prices are in the mid range. This is my favorite of the houses. I actually lived in a house much like this in real life. It was on the edge of a park rather than the sea, but the energy is the same. This version even comes with the foam around the pilings. There are tree house builds in this model also.

A big section of beach builds can be found, including many outside of sim additions where you can actually sit -- so says the advertisement. A neighboring sim holds even more. I suggest taking your time as there is a LOT to explore.

Since my initial visit to Tree house designs by Tobias Novi was for the free tree (see how that REALLY works sometimes?) I chose my outfit from the housing that surrounded that vendor area. My hair and kimono are ancient by SL terms, but my skin is a new release. 

Hair: House of Heart Asako - silver (now Hairy Situations - NLA)
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Sayuri tone 2 :: 04a (new release - review copy)
Clothing: +KS+ *KonohanaSakuya* (closed - NLA)

Poses by Amacci's POSH AO.


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