Pretty Picture Morn
Sometimes you simply want to play.
Sometimes the colors and the shapes and the light inspire.
Some TIMES it all comes together.
It is the end of the month when fashion often slows, when the feeds get filled with items that have been hiding in closets, when you look forward to something new.
I had this lovely Sophia Chaise lounge set from Second Spaces in my inventory. My plan was to take some photos in an already featured outfit but with a twist.
And then I saw myself echoing the shapes and colors of the environment and I started taking photos. I never even changed. Instead, I delved into my almost never used photo effects window and created something new. Typically, I would call these over the top or tacky, but this morning? They were simply fun.
Click on any photo for a high rez version. You may need to enlarge further with the zoom tool.

Style Notes:
Hair: Alli&Ali Carlina Hair Dark Rose
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Jade (tone 5/br) :: 04a
Clothing: []::Tuli::[] Shine leggings [taupe] (NLA); AURA White Leanne Corset
Shoes: Calla Spa Slipper
Poses by the chaise.