Tuli's Jade
Tuli's new skin line, Jade, releases Friday. Woot!
Actually that is a double Woot! Ten makes ups, five skin tones and three cleavage options. Put them all together and you have a winner -- at least for me. How great a skin is for you depends on how well it fits. If Eva fit you well, the chances of Jade fitting even better are good. Rather then writing a "don't I look great in the new skin" post -- which of course is TRUE, I decided to show you the differences between Eva and Jade. The top photo is Jade ( []::Tuli::[] Jade (tone 5/br) :: 08a to be exact). I chose it as it is a very similar makeup to my long time favorite in Eva. This is the darkest of the five tones.
As I discovered when trying on Jade - Eva - Jade - Eva, tone 5 in Jade is not the same as tone 5 in Eva. It is in fact darker. All photos are completely unretouched, taken at the same time and place.
Jade seems smoother to me with less contrast and a softer feel. She also seems more sophisticated. But is it the skin tone? I really needed to know that, so I opened tone 4 to find ...
...a new and improved version of my favorite skin. Noses seem to be problematic for me; they often don't fit well. Jade is close to perfect in the nose department. New makeups include two or three "natural" versions which I expect are meant to coordinate with Viewer 2 makeups. They are lovely for a younger look. Cleavage options are flat, normal and busty. Tuli used much more politically correct terms, but that's the gist of it. I went with A since I am of a boyish build.
I can't tell you more as the notecard included is completely blank. There were lots of notecard problems yesterday; the database seemed to have a tummy ache. The important news is that Jade is as lovely as can be and she releases sometime Friday.
My hair is also new as well as a group gift from Amacci. It is a new version of Adena in all the new colors. Some are knock outs! Another woot there.
Click on any photo for a high rez version. You may need to enlarge further with the zoom tool.

Style Notes:
Hair: Amacci Hair Adena ~ * New * Modern Red
Skin:[]::Tuli::[] Jade (tone 4/br) :: 08a (tone 5 in first photo): Amacci Real Eyes ~ Jupiter
Clothing: Elvenbreath yilvina_icegrey
Accessories:Dark Mouse Fae Earring - Silver
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