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Regarding the concerns over the database compromise...

Updated within ten minutes to reflect new info. If they feeds picked this up instantaneously, sorry.

So I am logging in this morning and see the title of this post in the top line of the Messages of the Day listings. I seldom read those news headlines; I am usually in a hurry to get into world. But this morning and I did. This morning I carefully  read the whole article. I was not happy. I was one of the few folks affected.

Here are the Cliff Notes. The entire article is here.

In early April, the Modular Systems web server was compromised by a malicious viewer developer and several of the server's databases were stolen. The good news is that it didn't have credit card data (that had happened long, long ago [to LL] before I joined Phil's if I remember correctly). The only people in the database were those that had been using the Emerald Point sim. That included some business owners, visitors to those businesses and the folks that used the sandbox there.

So that means my avatar name, IP and UUID are on the list most likely. I switched to the Emerald sandbox after the Renegade Isle sandbox closed. Modular Systems admit that they blew it. That doesn't make me feel a lot better. I value privacy very highly. They were tracking people without there knowledge. I may end up banned from places unjustly.

Not a happy gal this morn.

Update: When I logged in to SL(R) finally I found a note fromthe Phoenix - Firefall SOM of all places. It had this info too. I haven't even LOOKED at the feeds this morning.   Here is the list of over 16,000 avatars, and yep, I am on it.


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