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Fashion For Life Preview

I was in photographer heaven when I arrived at the 2011 Fashion For Life sims. Surprised? No, not so much; the sim names led me to believe that photography was part of the theme. Ansel Adams, Mapplethorpe, Stiegliz? What could the connection be? (Insert sly smile here.) So following in their footsteps I took a collection of photos and then processed into grayscale. The sims are impressive. This is my favorite RFL - FFL venue so far.  Here is a quick tour. It isn't art, but it IS black and white photography.

Click on any small photo for a high rez version.
You may need to enlarge twice and scroll. 1800 wide photos

The sims are no fly zones so TPing or walking are the modes of transport. There is plenty to see including some new to me shops -- always fun. Some stores are packed with items for sale, others have mainly (or only) the FFL donation items. There is at least one gatcha cafe and machines are scattered around. I didn't find any hunt items, but I was not really in hunt mode. The photographer definitely won the coin toss.

I most likely missed a few of the locales, but you can do your own exploring from March 12 - 22nd. I suggest several trips as shopping overload can easily come into play. Look for sim links to be posted when the event officially opens and check the FFL blog for all the latest news.



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