Reprise - Desert Dweller
There are a few outfits in our wardrobe that call to us from time to time -- at least that is true for me. I was in the mood for some high role play garb and an exotic landscape. Revisiting Tatooine seemed like a good way to scratch that itch. It wasn't easy to get down to the ground. Quite a few things in the welcome area were broken. Perseverance and some map clicking eventually had my feet touching sandy soil.
My outfit is a little different from before. Skin and hair have changed and with the option to add extra prims and layers I chose eyelashes and tattoos. As the morning light breaks over the quiet desert city, the typist returns to her comfy covers and a few more hours of sleep.
Click on any small photo for a high rez version.
Style Notes:
Hair: Exile Fastball Ecllpse
Skin: hO wEAr Dessert Dweller; Poison Chinese tattoos
Clothing: hO wEAr Dessert Dweller
Poses by:Vain