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I have started teaching photography classes as part of my LEARN AVATAR curriculum. The first were popular and well attended, so we will see what the future holds. We can always use more beauty in the world. This week's new class is Windlight 101, a look at the Advanced Skies tab.

It is primarily a lecture class, but there is no reason that a lecture class MUST be boring. And so I built myself a schoolhouse. To be fair, the "schoolhouse" is a bunkhouse I built some months ago, the other props -- items from my inventory. We have school desks and even grazing sheep. Golden grasses and split railed fencing add to the ambiance.

And so it seemed fitting in the early morning hour to take a few photos in schoolmarm garb. While  I thought about dressing up in 1930s wear for class,  it is likely that I will opt for interconnected but diverse time-frames.  I haven't done much staging for awhile and it was fun to dig into my inventory to reconnect with some favorite items.

My outfit is a mix of recent releases and old favorites. The colors are more vibrant in my personal default skies setting. The sunrise plays tricks with color palettes and that is part of what the class is about. Light equals mood. Still, the olives and teals seem to play well together in any illumination.  

Style Notes: 

Hair: A&A Amnesha Hair Ash
Skin:[:T:] Zoe / sunkissed :: 02 Purity, black brows tattoo, [:T:] Rosy cheeks 2
Clothing:Absolution - Strapless Top Blue (hunt most likely over now, ), E! Eclectic Apparel  Ballet Wrap (Forrest) (new release), CONCRETE FLOWERS - CHECKER JEANS
Shoes: Baby Monkey BM Georgia Boot teal (new release)
Accessories: [croire] vintage floral tote (blueberry) , Baubles bangles and earrings (NLA), MALT Scooter Jeans Scarf

Poses by: chair, a retired posemaker (NLA)


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