City Streets

You may have already heard that So Many Styles has a new store. An eclectic mix of wearables with many separates in the mix, So Many Styles is a great place to pick up a piece or two to add some punch to your wardrobe. Only if your wardrobe NEEDS some punch of course. I won't presume it does :D. This dress is only one of many opening gifts at the store. Find them near the entrance. Additional gifts are available for group members. There is plenty to see, so be patient with the rezzing. I noted some cute tights in fun colors; I have my eye on 'em *wink*. Who knows what you might discover?
The cute Kate tote bag is by Baby Monkey. While it is sans AO, I love the style. It doesn't take over your outfit. And, while I don't have a separate purse AO to don, I'm betting someone makes one and those of you that use purses all the time already have one. I am SO out of date at times - LOL.
Shoes by Juicy. Pose by LAP.

The skin I am wearing is the new group (SOM) gift from Dutch Touch. It's called STAR and this is the cream version with freckles. While I doubt I will abandon my current skin, I will say that i really like this tone and that this new skin version fits my face much better than previous ones, so if you have sampled Dutch Touch skins before and found that while you liked them, they didn't work well for your face shape, you might want to try on some of these new demos. From the notecard:
::StAr:: comes in 8 options, freckles, no freckles, with and without pubic hair, dark eyebrows and lighter eyebrows and costs only 1000 LD a Make-up, which are 15 to choose from ;-))There is also a new skin called Moon to try out.

I'd had this necklace from Shine for awhile now, a sample gift from DSN. It is so lovely with sculpted flowers and delicate textures. The Enchanted Necklace in Teal is definitely enchanting. If I were placing it in our other "real" world, I would guess that the flowers are ceramic with a fairly shiny glaze and that the tiny stones between the silver chain loops are jade. That's my guess and my fantasy. And since the necklace could possibly be enchanted *grin*, we'll call those tiny chips around the edge diamonds.
Shine is in the Exile complex at Covet. They are participating in the Make Him Over hunt which starts the first of June. Some of you avid hunters (even gals) will no doubt be interested to know that.
While I couldn't find this necklace at the store, I did find some other lovely pieces for both guys and gals. [Edit: You need to cycle through the vendors to find the set. I am SO obtuse at times. Sorry. The set in the store is color change and includes 2 necklaces (attachment points I am guessing), bracelet, ring, and earrings for $250. Thanks Sami for the tip. ] There are also four gifts out and I picked up some nice looking eyes to try later.
That's my afternoon report.