So You Want to Be a Star?

Well, it's not quite stardom (wink), but you can enter a new contest and maybe get a few of your fifteen minutes. Color Me Chaos has a offer for you. Make an outfit from their new skirt, send them the picture and you could win both fame and some prizes of your choice. A notecard with all you need to know comes when you buy the skirt. And this isn't a spend $1000 linden contest. The extremely cute skirt (I made an "outfit" of this so that tells you something) is only a linden. Just look for the vendor on the grass outside the shop. It's near the tp point. Check the shop too. It's cute!
Even if you don't lust after stardom, fame, glory and all that jazz -- it's a good bet you'll like this skirt. The belt comes with. I added a favorite tank of old and my Juicy Shoes.

Now we are talking major glamor! Remember when we were tired of green? Well this lovely group gift for Cal Gals gives a new definition to the color. It is simply breathtaking. And it's free if you are a Cal Gal. Just join the LL group (not the SOM as you need a tag to get your goodies). You can pick up this lovely dress in a big gift box on the floor near the entrance in Calliefornia. There are plenty of wonderful things to peruse at the caLLie cLine shop, so take your time.
This is a great group. I sometimes sigh and leave because of the chatter, but I eventually return. I so love my boas -- my particular 15 minutes (wink).
Poses by LAP. Hair by Bewitched. Necklace by Moontan.