Shades of Gray

We often think in terms of emotional colors. We "have the blues". We are "seeing red". After such a busy week -- actually two, I was just tired. It was a good tired, but still -- gray fit my mood. And what better place to embrace your grayness (wink) than by the sea. The docks are weathered, the skies overcast like the ocean near my RL home. This morning the sea was the perfect place for me to be.

So I called to Cal my calico cat from *M* to hop on my shoulder and off we went. My outfit was a mixture of duds old and new. My track jacket is from REBEL and comes with a hoodie choice should the winds turn bitter cold. The bra is included and works well I think, but another day might call for a colorful tank or a printed shirt. The Gulu Capris come from Fashion Nomads and include some very nice rolled up cuffs. These hand textured beauties have excellent side seams, wrinkles and stitching. The back pockets are small enough and placed well enough to make a statement, but NOT one about your butt size :D

The hat, too, comes from Fashion Nomads. I added my homemade hat hair which every gal that can manipulate a prim should make or modify for herself and I had a great casual outfit perfect for my morning ponderings. And what better shoes for a gray day than my MK Super Sneaks.
Poses by ANA_mations and LAP.