Another Shop in the Snow

Another Shop by the Side of the Road isn't even that any longer. I had to chuckle when I found the boxes with the new Eloh Eliot skins (all for free) sitting in a pile of snow. The same weather effects were still in evidence, but the shop was gone to be replaced by a crevasse. Such fun!

I lived in the first version of Eloh skins most of my life. My profile picture still has my two month old snapshot which I can't seem to give up. So I was so happy to find that the new versions were finally out. For those of you even younger than I am (and actually I have a rez day coming up in the not too distant future), Eloh Eliot rocked Phil's world by not only giving away great skins for free -- but giving away the active Photoshop files too. So designers had a starting place.

There was much talk, mostly good and she won an award for the most influence (sorry I forgot all the details) of 2007. Anyway, that's the backstory and these are some of the new skins. I was a bit slow with all my rezzing problems and I am only showing you a few. You can get them HERE -- in the snow for free.

The skins within the four skin tones have names and come in different brow colors, with and without freckles. These are from the tan series.
Hair by House of Heart.