Stringer Mausoleum Ghost Hunt

It is difficult to imagine a place further away in time, place and theme from Retrology than The Stringer Mausoleum. And yet I enjoy them both for their sense of vision. If you haven't been to TSM, then an adventure may be in order. Now is the perfect time as there is an event going on. Find the small ghosts and get some good stuff. The ghosts come in different colors and there is an explanation board near the tp point. You can find hair and eyes for gals, guys and unisexuals (wink). There is rumor of a store card, but I didn't find it.

It isn't a big place but there is a lot of GLOW which while interesting in atmosphere makes hunting and gathering a bit tricky. I suggest that you will have an easier time if you turn your graphics to low under the preferences tab. There are great animations here so try a few seats while you cam around. Of my finds, this was my favorite. It comes in at least two of the ghosts as I have four colors. The goggles are optional but I really love them.

And when you REALLY want to get wild, you can go for this unisex style. Woot! I know some of my blogging buddies will love this.
The very nice cape comes from the D.o.D store at Oz. Shown with latex pants from Sn@tch and Juicy shoes.