Je t'aime - Luxurious World

Je t'aime has a new gift just out. Find it here. It took me a couple of tries as the stores are SO vast. It comes with a black bra top. A long black sweater would be an optional partner :D if you are not into so much skin. Shown with HOH hair and Juicy shoes. Pose by VAIN.

Luxurious World has a new dress in its group camping chair. It's a cute little number and might be perfect for a backdrop to all the fun accssories you will be picking up this month. The top and skirt also stand alone well on their own for mixing and matching possibilities. While I was lucky enough to get a copy without the 30 minute sit, the chair is easy to find. It is right inside the door to the left along the glass wall.

While you are at Luxurious World, you might want to pick up the winter dollarbie sweater in rose. It comes in both shirt and jacket layers and has a nice bulky knit texture. I paired it with the men's leather pants from Night Spirit (picks gift).
And there is a fun shopping street nearby so some exploring may be in order.