Starting October with a Bang!

October is here and with it a new - EMPTY - picture folder on my hard drive (whew)! So many pictures and I love 'em all. Vain Inc. Magazine #14 is out! And my blog made the fashion blogger spotlight (happy dance). Thrilled to be number 4 in the lineup with a ton of other very talented fashionistas. What a great way to start off the month.

And in other personal new month news, I have a shop at Santo City, a role play sim. I admit that I am not sure where I fit into the design world. I fluctuate between wanting more space for my outfits and wanting to blog all the wonderful things others are making. (Insert sigh here.) Eventually I'll figure it all out. If you come by, be sure and pick up a visitor's tag at the tp point. Turn left out of the building, past the church and then left again on the fashion street. I am across from the deli. A new experience for me. It's all good.