Skins and Chokers

Just a quickie to let you know that Popfuzz Bamboo has three of her skins out for a linden each. Find them in the middle of the floor in boxes. This is the middle tone with light and dark versions also available.
And the choker I am wearing is from Historical Heroines. It goes PERFECTLY with the Sn@tch Oz dress. Woot! There is a dedicated TP landing point so you will need to watch the map coordinates and fly to the shop. It is FAR away. Several other people got there after I did though (I win - I win) so it is doable. It is mod so you can adjust it if you have a fat neck like mine. There is a brown version also and it is FREE.
And now I'm putting my top back on and going to watch some streaming TV -- and you can figure out just WHO is topless at the moment (wink).
Have fun.