
It's been a tough day in Phil's Place. After lounging on my couch for awhile topless with an odd mixture of pants #1 and #2 co-mingled on my lower bod, I tried relogging for the twentieth time to end up as a -- can we cringe here? CLOUD. Alas.

There were certainly plenty of hunting and gathering possibilities, freebies, dollarbies and gifts today. Of them all, I pick this oh so cute bumblebee outfit from Dernier Cri. Find it outside the shop by the pumpkins. You get pumpkins and hay bales included.

And just as I was getting ready to post this I noticed a note about boots and actually READ it (gasp) to find that there are free boots at the Katat0nik store on Axis Mundi. And indeed there are including sizes for GUYS. There are also some giant footed legwarmer styles in a myriad of colors. I may have simply been under a rock and missed that these were out there. If you were in the neighboring rock, well now you know too.

I did get over to Juicy for their birthday celebration that has been well blogged. I, personally wanted to thank the pose makers and other content creators there who also gave generously. I especially loved the poses from VAGO. The meditation flower is way cute if you have the space for it, and I simply LOVE my new dining set with a choice of poses from Echo. So thanks guys.
Juicy -
Juicy Bella -
Juicy Del Mar -
The day definitely improved. I AM, however, still waiting for my shoes to show up - LOL.