Lion Skins: Showcase Review

Lion skins has just unveiled ten new makeups. The ones I am showing you here are all in the pale skin tone and from the Suzana line. As with all skins, the look depends on our shapes as well as our preferences. I remember reading one skin review where the skin was fantastic simply because of the belly button (wink). I will say that I was particularly impressed with the rendering of the ears. These often get overlooked and sometimes simply need to be hidden under hair. Not these!
The NEWS here however is the makeup -- our face is what we typically show the world most often after all. These range into the specialty category but with a change in hair and perhaps eyes some could move all the way into fantasy if that is your intent.
From the press release:
Lion has outdone herself while on holiday and created some beautiful new makeups that surely dare to impress. Bold explosions of color sprinkled across the flesh to make fur fun and excitement.

This is SUZANA-pale 68. Hair by Frangipani.

This is SUZANA-pale 69. Hair by Frangipani.

This is SUZANA-pale 71. Hair by House of Heart.

This is SUZANA-pale 72. Hair by House of Heart.