Camping at ::69

So I really wanted this shopping bag full of candy from the new ::69 Halloween prize campers (see earlier post). Alas when I returned that chair was filled but the necklace / flying pumpkin was free. So there I sat.

WHY did I think I didn't want this? Silly, silly girl. This is much fun. There are star particles which I think you can turn off, but I didn't try. It hovers and you can ride it easily with the cursor keys. I had to use Stop All Animations when I got off, but otherwise it worked just fine!

Along with the flying pumpkin key comes a pumpkin key necklace with two attachment points. A fun Halloween accessory.
Credits: Top 1 and 2 are upcoming releases from Love Chic (not out yet), Top 3 is from Awesome, Hair 1 and 3 from HOH, Hair 2 from Exxess, Shoes from ::69. Poses from LAP and the attachments.