Celebrate! 1200 and 2
This is a good day to celebrate! Not only is it the eve of a new year and a new decade. It is my
1200th post
My second REZ DAY!
Now, I'm guessing that this cake was designed more for a guy's rez day with the gal as the present. But you know us bloggers. We enjoy showing off almost more than shopping. So, for me, the cake with all the great poses IS the present *wink*.
Lots of fun, it comes with a whipped cream and cherry costume; just enough to hide all the important areas and keep this a PG post. There is both a rez day and a birthday cake. Poses are menu driven and /1a adjustable. A mini cake for your table celebration is also included. Just add some ice cream and champagne and you are set.

I promise not to eat too much. Well, maybe I don't really promise. And champagne isn't FOOD anyway. Right?
The (*chanimations "SurpriseCake!" was a gift along with loads of great things I will show you in the new year. This cute cupcake prop and hat come from Cupcakes & Poetry, a shop nearby and also a gift. My mouthwear was one of the Advent dollarbies from CONCRETE FLOWERS- and is entitled U GREEDY CHRISTMAS BITCH! I am so glad I had an occasion to use it.
Have a great celebration and I'll see you in the New Year!
Where are the numerologists today? 1200 posts, end of a decade (10 years) and start of new year - 2010 and you turned 2 today. Look at all those 1s, 2s and 0s. It MUST be a good sign.
Party, Party, Party.
May all your wishes become true!
Now I know and the next time I pop out of the cake it can be amidst flames.
Honestly, I think I was "hot" enough without lit candles :D. Thanks so much!