The Dark Side

The most popular SL(R) holiday will be coming up in the not too distant future. If you haven't lived through an October at Phil's Place, you are in for a treat. I'm not using the "H" word yet, but I did spend a lot of time hunting today. Many of the current grid-wides are themed in that October direction. Again, sadly, I have little to show. There were lots of undead and past dead type gear, but my October holiday get ups are not about decaying flesh and the like :D.
Of my many hunting and gathering finds of the day, I would like to show you two favorites. Yes, you got the subtext there *wink*. The first is a hat that is almost as tall as I am.

click for larger photos
-=FORSAKEN's=- Mad Hatters Nightmare Decked to the 9's prize is from the Macabre Hunt. Chocked full of glorious details, it is a sure attention getter. It is so cluttered (the good kind) in intricacies, you need to see it for yourself for full appreciation mode to kick in. I used my hat hair from sd design (hope you picked that up) and was even able to LOWER the hat more on my head. Yeah.

My second super detailed item deserving kudos is this thigh belt called A Small Cutting ?. It hales from LOULOU&CO. The antique scissors are lovely and there is a slightly bloody pocket watch around the other side. Look for the apple from the Macabre Hunt for this one too.
See the last two posts for clothes and skin credits.
Poses by LAP.