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Hunting 101

I've been doing some of the current hunts these last couple of days. I can't help but make a comment or two here as some obvious things are being overlooked by the stores involved. This is not a complaint. I hunt to blog and my only real interest is to give out some kudos to the stores. Most of the items I find get deleted after I feature them, so for me it isn't about the "stuff". Still ------

If people get too frustrated, they simply abandon the hunts. Here are some thoughts:

1.If you have a central TP point with countless stores for your folks to pick from it is MUY IMPORTANTE to have a hunt sign out front of your shop. Making people hunt for the store is beyond fun.

2. Giving out the same (or a previous) hunt gift for several hunts is NOT cool.

3. If you have a very niche market (like piercing for instance) and you are not in a theme hunt, it might be good to put out something a bit more "universally" pleasing for the hunt. Or a couple of things?

4. If you leave a hunt in the first couple days of the hunt, it would be nice to put out a sign to the next spot rather than leaving folks at a loss as to where to go.

5. Hunt organizers: BALANCE is important in a hunt. Unless it is all about one product (ex: poses) then having a huge amount of one type of store is not the best plan.

OK. Venting over. Hopefully I will have some "finds" to show you tomorrow. So far, I'm not doing too well :D.

Have a good eve. I'm having another glass of wine.


Anonymous said…
In addition, not placing the hunt object so that you accidentally purchase items behind it and then not returning the lindens when approached about it. That's a bad business move too.

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