Love My Way 'n BOOTS!

Lots of news from A-Bomb including new releases and some great free stuff. First up is this cute mini called Love My Way. It comes in a variety of colors (those A-Bomb standards :D) so mixing and matching is a possibility. Very cute and saucy, I added an old favorite belt which I moded for color. A perfect match. I'm thinking it would also look great with a shrug and tall boots. This is at 50% off for a few days.
Some very nice detailing adds to the look. Also new are the Juliet color change short boots. These come with THREE heel choices, chunky and stiletto. This is the stiletto version with the metals band trim. There are at least a gazillion ways to customize these. They are click resize with the default size for smaller footed gals (let's call it a 6 1/2 American) *wink*. The invisiprim covers up your foot so you can have Cinderella sized feet if you so choose :D.
There are also two items on the wall marked down to $2. One is unisex. One on the first floor. One on the second. I found them, but I already had them -- even in that color. Alas. But since the girl's markdown is one of my personal favorites, you might just want to go check that out. They go back to regular price Saturday (or maybe midnight, I'm not sure). A great deal to celebrate rez days. Many Happy Returns, guys!

I haven't been doing the Twisted Hunt. I tried but it was hard (tiny prize vendors that the participants were told not to resize) and I didn't find anything that I thought most of my readers would be interested in. And even though I knew there must be some great stuff out there that wasn't getting blogged, I only have so much energy and I've been a busy gal. The good news is that these very cute Juilet style boots with platform soles and chunky heels are one of two prizes in the pack from A-Bomb.

It took me awhile to find the purple cube. It wasn't hidden really, but as I said, they are small. So, gals boots and "guy" boots which resize down fine for gals. I love the spider web texture. Great for October festivities as well as going along with the popular trend of gray for Fall. Black is not out, BTW. A quick stop at the Fashion Week shows proves that.
So, get on over to A-Bomb and peruse, hunt, shop -- whatever.
Poses by LAP.